IP University Paper Data Structure

Books For Preparation

Q1 (a) Design an algorithm to reverse print the contents of a singly linked list.
(b) Define a B-tree? Give an example.
(c) Draw a binary tree representation for the following infix expression.
A * b + c * d – e +f/g
(d) Write a recursive procedure for the pre-order traversal of a Binary tree
(e) Describe how a stack is useful in recursion? Illustrate with an example.
Q2 A sparse matrix is normally represented as a two dimensional array A[t+1, 3]
(where t is no. of non-zero elements in the sparse matrix). The first row contains
Number of rows, number of columns of the original marrix and t. Design a suitable
algorithm for the addition of two sparse matrices represented in the above form.
Give two arrays of integers arranged in ascending order. Design an algorithm to merge
These arrays to form a third stored in ascending order. (12.5)
Q3 (a) Design an algorithm to deleted every alternate node starting with the first node
In a singly linked list.
(b) Write a procedure for deleting an element form a circular Queue.
(c) What is a priority queue?
Explain Kruskal’s algorithm for generating minimum cost spanning tree. Illustrate the
Working of the algorithm with an example. (12.5)
Q4 What is multilevel indexing? How B-tree are useful in indexing? How do you generate
a B-Tree? Explain the insertion operation of B-Tree with an example.
Design an algorithm for obtaining a mirror image of a Binary tree (Left child should be
Right child for every non-leaf node) (12.5)
Q5 Write quick sort algorithm and discuss its time and space complexities. Explain various
passes of the quick sort algorithm to sort the following array.
Write a C program for sorting an array of integers using Bubble sort technique. Disucss
Its complexity and compare it with merge sort. Sort the following numbers in ascending
Oder using Bubble sort technique.

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